Terrestrial Laser Scanner
We are proud to announce that added a terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS)
to our toolkit for science applications - a State-of-the-Art Riegl VZ400i.

High laser pulse repetition rate of up to 1.2 MHz
High speed data acquisition up to 500,000 measurements/sec
Wide field of view, 100°x360°
Range up to 800 m, accuracy 5 mm
This new addition is enabled through a close cooperation with the Maxim Foundation in Cairns, also a science-oriented Not-For-Profit organisation.
The TLS can be used as a stand-alone sensor
or make a powerful combination with the existing ARA airborne Lidars (ALS).
Tropical Rainforest on Cape York

Scans of the Wellington Cave System in NSW.
In the 1820, these caves provided the first evidence that Australia had once abounded with giant marsupials.
Cathedral Cave
Viewing Platform

Cathedral Cave with palaeontological excavations on the left

Profile view of the Wellington caves and phosphate mine
with ground surfaces showing around the entrances

Plan view of the Wellington caves (bottom) and phosphate mine (top).

Tunnel system of the old phosphate mine once used for manufacturing of explosives in WW1