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Lidar image of an ancient fishtrap at Cape Missiessy, WA

The Deep History of Sea Country: climate, sea level and culture


ARC Discovery Project (2017-2019)

This is a pioneering, multi-disciplinary study of submerged landscape archaeology in Australia designed to investigate the records of the now-submerged Pilbara coast (spanning 50,000 to 7000  years ago). Information from drowned contexts will help address critical debates in Australian prehistory relating to past sea-level rise,
population resilience, mobility, and diet. The project integrates cultural and environmental studies and contributes a unique southern hemisphere insight into world prehistory through material analysis and an adaptation of method from the world’s only confirmed submarine middens. A suite of cutting edge marine and aerial survey techniques will be developed to investigate physical and cultural submerged landscapes.

ARA will use its airborne bathymetric and topographic LiDAR to map the submerged landscapes in the intertidal zone along the coast from Port Hedland to Cape Leveque in NW-Western Australia.

Participants in the ARC grant are: Jonathan Benjamin, Flinders University; Sean Ulm, James Cook University; Peter Veth; University of Western Australia; Jorg Hacker, ARA & Flinders University; Michael O'Leary, University of Western Australia; Geoffrey Bailey, University of York, UK; Mads Holst, Aarhus University, Denmark.   

given at IKUWA16-3D in Perth in November 2016




Hackett Foundation Adelaide

Maxim Foundation, Lockhart River

Australian Research Council

Sir Ross and Sir Keith Smith Fund

Joyce and Don Schultz

Flinders University

For information:

Director:      Andrew J. McGrath

Chief Scientist:   Jorg M. Hacker


ARA is a member of:


European Facility for

Airborne Research



Network of Airborne Environmental Research Scientists

Airborne Research Australia

ABN 60 604 313 484

© ARA 2024

... probing the environment using the least intrusive
                         and most cost-efficient technologies ...
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